Welcome to the first edition of the Shades and Layers newsletter!

A new edition will land in your inbox every two weeks with updates from our studio and what you need to know about how black women are navigating the world of entrepreneurship.


If you’re new to Shades and Layers, then let me introduce myself: I’m Kutloano, your host with the most on the podcast. I’m a creative entrepreneur from South Africa and now living in the USA after a stint in the Nordics. Having worked in media for most of my career, the same issue still bugs me as when I started out many moons ago as a television producer and radio journalist: there are very few spaces where black women’s contribution gets recognized and given the credit that it deserves. After living in Scandinavia for 10+ years, I got tired of being invisible, and so I started Shades and Layers to connect with other vibrant, successful BIPOC women and to normalize our voices and conversations.


Photo by Clay Banks, Unsplash

Whether you’re a full-time entrepreneur, a corporate intrapreneur, side hustler OR you’re planning your exit from employment. You are welcome to this safe space where you will be celebrated and connected to others who are facing the same struggles as you. We’ve got you!


Orion Brown, image courtesy of BlackTravelBox

Speaking of celebration. Our latest episode is a shout out to Orion Brown, Founder and CEO of a multicultural lifestyle brand called BlackTravelBox. If you’ve ever had your personal care products trashed by airport security (or TSA), then you’ll need to hear about how Orion is bringing a solution to you.


What’s on your mind these days? Have you just been promoted? Did you raise funding for your startup? OR What professional issue, dilemma or challenge are you trying to solve these days? Any news from your industry that you’d like to share?

Send us a note: [email protected]

That’s all from me this time around. Spread the love and bring your friends over to join the squad.

Until next time, please do take good care!


(your host with the most)